Custom Ornamental Iron for Home, Garden and Business
Our Mission

Hot Iron Blacksmith continually strives to live our mantra "Forging Iron into Black Gold Treasures" on every product and project taken to task in the forge and on the anvil. We attempt to share with every customer our pride that each piece produced is a true representation of the highest achievable quality metal art.
Our Story
Hot Iron Blacksmith, located near Peoria, Illinois, on the bank of the Illinois River, is owned and operated by blacksmith artist, Bud Harvey, and his wife, Janelle. Bud has Bachelor of Science degrees from Oregon State University in Metallurgical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, was a Nationally Certified Purchasing Manager of NAPM and is a Boy Scout of America Silver Beaver. He retired after working 37 years in various engineering, purchasing and quality management positions for a Fortune 100 heavy equipment manufacturing company. Bud creates metal art in the blacksmith shop for discerning customers by incorporating the disciplines practiced in industry, skills learned from noted master blacksmiths and interpretations of the customers requests . He has studied under Master Blacksmith Uri Hofi from Israel and other noted American Master blacksmiths from 1997 to the present. Bud is a member the American Society for Materials and Past President of the Illinois Valley Blacksmith Association.